Friday, May 9, 2008

Dog poop has never tasted so good

...I mean, okay. There's this Ecuadorian snack here called caca de perro, which translates to "dog poop." But don't worry, it's not actually dog poop. It consists of toasted then caramelized corn kernels. But unlike American un-popped corn kernels, somehow these things are chewably crunchy and delicious. My Ecuamama just made some the other day, which was the first time I'd seen it, tried it, or even heard of it.

Anyway, its name was just too good to pass up for a blog post title. That's all.


JoAnn said...

After everything else you've been eating down there....grubs and all manner of insect...this title had me worried...

Sebastian T Brown said...

the pic made my day.

Anonymous said...

does that Barbie have a vacuum tube to neatly deposit dog poop? I guess that's the only way to do it when you can only bend 22 degrees at the hips.